Company Name
Updated 2 May 2024
As I write this ,the sun has finally come out and we are seeing some warm weather after a long, cold and wet winter. Hopefully this is the start of many warm days to come at Ryecroft!
The tennis winter league campaign saw the first three teams all holding their places in respect of divisions. no promotions but unfortunately the fourth team finished bottom of their division so will be relegated next year.
The summer teams have been busy practising for the start of the summer season which began on April 9th , subsequently all teams have been playing matches and we wish them all good tennis for the summer.
New for this season we have secured the coaching services of Faris to work alongside Karen in helping develop the junior section and hopefully encourage more members. He is already visiting schools to promote the venture. A very successful open day was held on Sunday April 21st with over 100 people attending. Also new is the introduction of social tennis on Saturday afternoons from 3pm.
The tennis page of the Ryecroft website :https://www.ryecroft has a link that displays all the fixtures of our tennis matches this summer. As these matches are played the result will be displayed on the same page . We intend that the result will be posted here in advance of being on the league website, making this a good place to watch the progress of your teams .
The season started with the customary opening of the green and hot pot which was well attended with a few hardy souls braving the elements to have their first bowl. The bowling open weekend was sadly affected by the weather, and it is hoped another one will be arranged in conjunction with the Crown Green Bowling Association.
A couple of inter-club tournaments have been played and enjoyed by those who attended. The green has suffered with all the rain we have endured but thankfully it is now looking and playing a lot better.
This season we have entered two new teams in their respective leagues (making 13 in total) and we wish all bowling teams success for the summer. Also social bowling is being enjoyed for everyone who wishes to play whether in a team or not.
The regular Sunday brunch and quiz nights have both been a success and will return at the end of the summer. Also the regular(first Wednesday of the month) coffee mornings continue to be a great success along with two fairs at Christmas and Spring time.
You may have noticed our new trophy cabinet which is open to anyone who wins any trophy, be it individual or team , both for inter-club tournaments or those won outside of the club. Anyone who wishes to display their trophy please contact myself or Julie Collins.
The Executive committee wishes to clarify some of the rules about using the clubhouse. The clubhouse closes every day at midnight unless late use has been authorised by the Committee, so members must exit the premises before this time. All visitors to the club are restricted to 3 visits per annum and must always be signed in to the visitors book and the appropriate fee paid at the time of the visit. Visitors playing league matches against a Ryecroft team are exempt from this requirement. Members under 18 years of age, who wish to play snooker must have permission from the Executive Committee before playing and no visitors under 18 can play snooker.
Members should be aware we have installed CCTV cameras covering the driveway and the main rooms of the clubhouse to improve our security. Access to the images from the cameras is being restricted to three senior members of the club. Our privacy policy will be amended shortly. For the avoidance of any doubt the cameras do NOT record any audio. If anyone has any concerns about these cameras please speak to a member of the Executive committee. We are also seeking a small flatscreen TV/computer monitor with a power lead and would appreciate any offers. Please contact Iain Campbell in the first instance.
A number of members have still to renew their subscriptions for the 2024-25 season, possibly because of difficulties logging in to the Clubspark system to make payment online. The reason for this trouble is understood so if any members want to resolve any login problems please contact Iain Campbell at for assistance. League team players should also be aware that they must be bona fide members of the club to represent Ryecroft in league matches.
We are looking for a member with experience to advise the Executive Committee about marketing externally to increase our membership, increase our social media presence and communications. If you are able to help please contact myself.
Your various committees are always looking for members to help out with various tasks that need doing around the club. If you feel able to help ,even in a small way, please speak to a member of the committees. As an example , we are currently seeking a member to test the fire alarm, emergency lights ,defibrillator and showers on a monthly basis. This takes about 20 mins and are legal requirement under various regulations. If you can help with this task , or any other task, please contact any member of the Executive Committee.
President and Chair - Nicholas Todd
Secretary - Gill Critchley
Treasurer - Chris Jeffries
House Chair & Membership - Iain Campbell
Tennis Chair - Viv Smith assisted by Sue Coppock-Grun and Julie Collins
Bowls Chair - Toby Knight assisted by Kevin Batson and Joan Wheelhouse
" Does Ryecroft have talent! "
We feel sure that there is some hidden talent amongst our members who may like to come forward and perform at a proposed fun summer evening event at the clubhouse, date and details to be arranged. Can you sing, play an instrument, recite a monologue, be a comedian or even play the spoons ! If so, don't be shy contact myself to discuss further.
If anyone has any further ideas for some social events or wishes to be involved in the planning, again please contact me
Hope to see you at the clubhouse in the summer months.
Nicholas Todd